The practice nurses are available by appointment on Monday to Friday from 8.40am to 11.30am and from 1.30pm to 6pm.
They work in a well equipped suite of office, treatment room, minor surgery room and recovery room. You can make an appointment to see one of them for blood pressure checks, immunisations and long term condition reviews.
Removal of stitches following discharge from local hospitals is provided by Harold Wood Polyclinic (telephone 01708 792000 to make an appointment).
We no longer provide wound care at Maylands Healthcare. Patients can book directly at the simple wound care clinic in either Rosewood Medical Centre, Astra Close, RM12 5NJ or Petersfield Surgery, Petersfield Avenue, RM3 9DP by following the link below:
Book here:
If you think the wound is infected, leaking or opening please go to your local Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) or call 111.
Our nurses can only provide this service for procedures performed at the surgery.
They will also give advice about general health matters, travel advice, dieting, diabetic control and family planning. You may see a healthcare assistant for some routine tests such as blood pressure checks.